Superintendent’s Message 2024-2025

Welcome to Pulaski County Public Schools located in beautiful Pulaski County, Virginia! Our schools possess a proud reputation for high academic achievement and opportunities beyond the classroom setting providing enriching learning experiences for students at all grade levels with a variety of diverse backgrounds. A great education is the cornerstone of this community. It is why families live and businesses choose to locate in Pulaski. Our community and schools work collaboratively and support each other - ensuring students have access to high quality programs and opportunities so that our young people are prepared for great careers and bright futures. In fact, our graduation rate is 95% and our students are set up for success as they choose to enter the workforce, enlist in the military or continue their education in college.

Pulaski County Public Schools’ talented faculty, staff and administration spend time during the summer preparing for the opening of school. Our facilities crew has been very busy overseeing various roofing projects at Critzer, Snowville and PCHS. They have also been involved with door replacement projects also at PCHS. Many of our faculty members focus on their own learning or working in their field which enriches their knowledge to share with all of you. Administration has been busy master scheduling, writing grants, attending professional development workshops, developing goals that align with the comprehensive plan and re-charging to support all our teachers, staff and students. We have also been very busy hiring and thoughtfully planning support for all our new staff's transition and their growth as Pulaski County employees throughout the school year.

August is symbolic of a fresh start as we journey through new experiences, build new relationships and set new goals for the 2023-2024 school year. With Pulaski County Public School’s commitment to excellence and equity, we will educate all students to be productive, responsible citizens and life-long learners in a rapidly changing, global society. This is our mission statement, which we value and respect! We believe that:

● All students must achieve at their highest levels

● That every child will excel

● Learning occurs best in an atmosphere of mutual respect

● Schools must provide a supportive and safe environment for students to learn

● We recruit, hire, and retain the best staff

● We hold our teachers to the highest professional standards

● Parents can make the biggest difference in students' learning

● Families are critical to the success of students in school

Once again, we look forward to working with our students, staff and school community members to provide the best educational opportunities so our students can achieve and succeed at the highest levels. Best wishes for an outstanding 2023-2024 school year!

Robert F. Graham