Mission Statement
Pulaski County Public Schools, with its commitment to excellence and equity, will educate all students to be productive, responsible citizens and life-long learners in a rapidly changing, global society.
At Pulaski County Public Schools we believe:
All students must achieve at their highest levels
That every child will excel
Learning occurs best in an atmosphere of mutual respect
Schools must provide a supportive and safe environment for students to learn
We recruit, hire, and retain the best staff
We hold our teachers to the highest professional standards
Parents can make the biggest difference in students' learning
Families are critical to the success of students in school
Racial and Social Equity Statement
Pulaski County Public Schools acknowledges that systemic and institutional inequities, especially in matters of race, remain significant barriers for people and communities working to reach their full potential. We are committed to the principles of equity by requiring non-biased, fair, and non-discriminatory actions, decisions, and treatment of all people who interact with the school system. Our schools will provide an environment that respects every individual regardless of race, gender, intellectual & physical abilities, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, physical appearance, gender expression, family configuration, ethnicity, age, and the language spoken in their homes.