School Health Program

Pulaski County Public Schools recognizes that a student's health is directly related to his or her ability to learn. In order to keep our children healthy, safe and ready to learn, every student has access all day, every day to a school nurse. Our school nurses work closely with students, parents, staff and community resources to help keep students healthy and in the classroom, where learning takes place, and to meet their individual healthcare needs. Our nurses serve as the link between health care and education by addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and social health needs of students to support their educational success.

School nurses are health educators by their education and experience. Health teaching by school nurses can be accomplished in various settings such as individual encounters with students in the health clinic, contact with families, and in classrooms.

Attention Parents and Guardians of rising 7th and 12th graders:

In coordination with Pulaski County Public Schools and the New River Health District we have planned a vaccine clinic on April 25, 2025 to offer the needed rising 7th and 12th grade  immunizations that are required by the Code of Virginia to meet entry requirements. The health departments will be coming to Pulaski County Middle School and Pulaski County High School to offer the needed immunizations.

We are trying to beat the rush that always occurs before school starts in August 2025.


  • You can sign your child up and give consent directly with the New River Health District using the provided QR code. Scan the QR code for the digital consent form

  • We will provide written copies of the 2024 Adolescent Vaccination Consent Form - all information must be completed and signed by parent/guardian

  • All insurance information must be complete or your child will not be able to receive their immunizations. This information is required for federal funding purposes for VFC vaccines.

  • All vaccination consent forms must be received by April 1,2025.

Our School Nurses

Mary L. Hall, BSN RN
Supervisor of School Health Services
Phone: 540-643-0531

Dawn Lawrence, RN
School Nurse at Dublin Elementary School
Clinic Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 540-643-0713
Fax: 540 643-0733

Vickie Phillips, RN
School Nurse at Pulaski Elementary School
Clinic Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 540 643-0933
Fax: 540 643-0901

Jackie Green, RN
School Nurse at Riverlawn Elementary School
Clinic Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 540 643-0306
Fax: 540 643-0133

Laurie Ratcliff, RN
School Nurse at Critzer Elementary School
Clinic Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 540 643-0567
Fax: 540 643-0501

Kim Johnston, RN
School Nurse at Snowville Elementary School
Clinic Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 540 643-0416
Fax: 540 643-0193

Darcy Simmons, RN
School Nurse at Pulaski County Middle School
Clinic Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Phone: 540 643-0832
Fax: 540 643-0805

Ann Paulson, RN
School Nurse at Pulaski County High School
Clinic Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Phone: 540 643-0364
Fax: 540 643-0121

Amber Lockhart, RN
School Nurse at Pulaski County High School
Clinic Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Phone: 540 643-0255
Fax: 540 643-0121

Jane Farmer, LPN
School Nurse at Pulaski County Middle School
Clinic Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Phone: 540 643-0865
Fax: 540 643-0805

School Based Health Center

The School Based Health Center medical providers offer sick visits, well-child visits, annual physicals, immunizations, routine lab work (for established patients), and chronic disease management. The School Based Health Center is located at Pulaski County High School in the CTE building.

Our dentists and hygienists will travel to each school to provide preventative dental services which include dental cleanings, exams, x-rays, fluoride treatments, and sealants as needed. Students or faculty that need services not offered at the visit (such as fillings, tooth removal, or braces) will be referred to their regular dentist or if you need a dental home, we would be happy to schedule them at one of our Center locations.

All students, staff, and faculty of Pulaski County Public Schools can utilize these services. Minors must have parent/guardian consent. Registration must be completed for appointments.

Please call (540) 307-8255 or register online at

Community Health Center Flyer

Health Screening

At the beginning of each school year our school nurses conduct health screening. The State Code of Virginia mandates some of these screenings and the others are recommended by the Virginia School Health Guidelines.


  •  Students in Pre-K, K, 3rd , 7th, and 10th grade will be screened.

  • Our local Lion's Club assists our school nurses with vision screening.

  • Your child will bring home a consent form for vision screening. Consent forms only need to be returned if you choose not to let your child participate in the vision screening. If your child does not pass his/her vision screening a referral letter will be sent to the address provided upon enrollment. If you receive a letter please schedule a follow up appointment for a complete eye exam with a vision health care provider.

  • If you need financial assistance to obtain glasses for your child the Lion's Club may be able to assist you.

  • Health Screening Opt Out Form


  •  Pulaski County Public Schools are partnering with Dental Aid NRV and the Community Health Center of the New River Valley to provide a free dental screening to all students in grades Pre-K through 10th grade. The screening will be provided at your child's school.

  • If a problem or potential problem is identified during screening you will be sent a referral letter to schedule a follow up visit with a dentist.

  • If your child is in need of a dental home the Community Health Clinic of the New River Valley offers low to no cost dental care, and accepts all insurance. They provide a full service dental clinic.

  • Radford/Pulaski Center is located at 5826 Ruebush Road, Dublin, VA 24084. Phone number is 540-585-1310.

  • Opt-out consent form for dental screening

Height and Weight

  • Physical Education teachers will do all height and weight screening for students in Kindergarten, 3rd, 7th, and 10th grades.

Fentanyl Awareness

Scoliosis Screening

  • The Code of Virginia mandates that each school board provide educational information or implement a program of regular screening for scoliosis for students in grades five through ten. (HB # 1834)

  • Pulaski County Public Schools will provide Scoliosis Information to all parents of students in grades 5-10.

  • Scoliosis Information

Eating Disorders within the School Setting

  • § 22.1-273.2. Parent educational information regarding eating disorders. Each school board shall annually provide parent educational information regarding eating disorders for pupils in grades five through 12. Such information shall be consistent with the guidelines set forth by the Department of Education.

  • Eating Disorder Parent Information

  • More information on the School Health Services site.

Medication Administration

  • Medications including prescription, over-the-counter, essential oils/supplements should be given to the student at home whenever possible. The first dose of any new medication must be given at home.

  • If medication is to be given at school the parent/guardian must follow the Guidelines for Medication Administration, Board Policy JHCD-RI.

  • The Authorization for Medications form must be completed in full for each medication to be given at school. This form must be signed by the health care provider and parent. Board Policy JHCD-EI

  • Medication Authorization Form

  • A new Authorization form must be provided each school year and anytime there is a change in the medication, dose, or time.

  • All medication brought to school, prescription and over-the-counter MUST be brought to school by a parent/guardian or other adult. A student must never bring medicine of any kind to school.

  • Prescription medications brought to school by the parent/guardian must be in the original pharmacy container labeled with the name, dosage, and prescription information.

  • Over-the-counter medications brought to school by the parent/guardian should be in the original UNOPENED container.

  • Parents/Guardians are responsible for picking up unused medication. Medication will be destroyed if not picked up by parent/guardian within 2 weeks after completion of physician's orders and/or the end of the school year.

  • Students are not allowed to self-administer any medication with the exception of inhalers, insulin, or epi pens.

  • Any self-administration of medication for Asthma, Diabetes, and severe allergic reactions require a completed care plan signed by the health care provide and parent/guardian.

  • Cough drops cannot be given at school without a health care provider and parent signature. Cough drops are a choking hazard.

  • Sunscreen may be sent to school for your child's use only. It must be labeled with your child' s name and cannot be shared with any other students.

  • Chap stick/lip balm may be sent to school for your child's use only. It cannot be shared with other students.

School Health Admission Requirements

Virginia State Code, § 22.1-270 requires:

  • All students admitted for the first time to any public kindergarten or elementary school to provide prior to admission, either a report of a comprehensive physical examination from a qualified licensed physician, or a licensed nurse practitioner or licensed physician assistant acting under the supervision of a licensed physician. The examination must be of the scope prescribed by the State Health Commissioner and must have been performed within 12 months before the date the student first enters the public school. In the alternative, students may provide records showing that they furnished such a report upon admission to another school or school division and provide the information that was contained in that report

  • While the report of the comprehensive physical examination must contain the elements prescribed by the State Health Commissioner, state law does not require it to be on the School Entrance Health Form, MCH 213G, in order to be accepted by the local school board. Therefore, school divisions cannot deny enrollment to a student who provides the necessary report on a different form as long as that form is attached to a MCH 213G form.

  • School Entrance Physical Exam Form and Instructions can be found at Enrollment in Virginia Public Schools

  • Students will not be allowed to start school until we have written proof of a physical exam.

  • School and Day Care immunization requirements are available from the Virginia Department Health

  • Any student who does not have mandated immunizations will not be allowed to start school until immunizations are complete or the student has at least one dose of the required immunizations and has a scheduled appointment to complete the required immunizations, or have been granted either a religious or medical exemption.

  • The Code of Virginia allows a child an exemption from receiving immunizations required for school attendance if it conflicts with the student's religious practices. Forms can be found on here.

Health Information Form

  • The Code of Virginia requires that parents/guardians complete a health information form for their student. A form must be completed at the beginning of each school year about your child's present health concerns.

  • Students cannot participate in any field trips, sports and/or extracurricular activities until we have a completed health information form on file in the school nurse clinic. Parents/guardians can go to SchoolCare and complete the form.

  • Health Information Form 2023/2024 (Formulario de Información de Salud)

  • This form must be completed, signed and a copy in the nurse's clinic before your student can participate in field trips, athletic events, and other extracurricular activities.

Medical Care Plans

  • The following forms are available for download. Please work with your child's health care provider to complete this plan and return to your child's school nurse.

  • If your child has emergency medications prescribed such as inhalers/EpiPens/diabetic supplies PLEASE make sure that you provide these to the nurse the first day of school (or prior to), and if your child's medical care provider allows them to carry their emergency medication with them PLEASE make sure they have it with them on a daily basis.


  • Is designed to assist parents to monitor and update your child's health information.

  • All health information is stored securely and is HIPAA and FERPA compliant.

  • Parents can fill out your child's health profile once and update any changes each year, ensuring it is always up-to-date.

  •  Sign-up for SchoolCare Parent Portal 

Guidelines for Keeping a Sick Child at Home

  • PCPS Health & Safety Guidelines

  • Please remember if your child is sick to call their school office staff to let them know.

  • If your child has an appointment/visit with their health care provider, have them fax a note to your child's school.

Wellness Policy

  • School Board Policy IGAL

  • Parents/guardians are not allowed to bring any "fast food" meals to students during breakfast and/or lunch.

  • Parents/guardians are encouraged to consider the nutritional content of food and beverages donated for class parties to help reinforce the importance of healthy choices.

  • Snacks Appropriate for School

Head Lice

  • Pulaski County Public Schools support managing cases of head lice using evidence based scientific and best medical practice.

  • Our school nurses may exclude students from class based on their assessment and professional judgment. Parents/guardians will be notified to come get their child and treat them.

  • School and classroom screening will not be done because research studies have not been shown them to have significant effect on reducing head lice in schools.

  • All school staff must maintain the privacy and confidentiality of students identified as having head lice.

  • To help maintain the privacy and confidentiality of students our school nurses do not send letters home to all parents when a student is identified with head lice.

Mental Health Resources