CIA Testing
Testing in Pulaski County Public Schools is an on-going process throughout the instruction program. From daily testing to check for understanding, benchmark tests to provide instructional information quarterly, up to SOL testing to measure student and school progress—testing is an integral part of good instruction.
This page provides specific information regarding the Standards of Learning (SOL) testing used for both state and federal accountability measures.
The Commonwealth of Virginia through the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) maintains general up-to-date SOL information here. Additionally, many resources are available to parents and students for review of the standards and practice for the tests.
SOL Testing
In accordance with federal mandates of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Standards of Learning testing in Virginia includes:
English, Math | Grade: 3
English, Math, Virginia Studies | Grade: 4
English, Math, Science | Grade: 5
English, Math | Grade: 6
English, Math, Social Studies | Grade: 7
English (including writing), Math, Social Studies, Science | Grade: 8
Algebra I - End of Course for students enrolled in class | Grade 8
End of Course - same for all students seeking Advanced or Standard Diploma | Grade: High School
VDOE Growth Assessments occur in August and December for students in grades 3-8. SOL testing occurs in late May for all students, as well as at the end of fall Semester for high school SOL-tested courses. The test may cover all standards listed on the current blueprint for your student's grade level.
Writing tests are given to students in 8th grade in the spring only.
SOL tests are used to determine your student's competency with the standards, the school's accountability under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) through Federal Annual Measurable Objectives (FAMO) verified it towards graduation (high school).
Assessment Administration
The administration of Standards of Learning (SOL) assessments is a cooperative effort involving the VDOE and educators and administrators in the commonwealth’s 132 school divisions. Key division-level and school-level personnel include:
Division Director of Testing – The Division Director of Testing (DDOT) serves as the point of contact between the school division and VDOE. The DDOT has division-wide responsibility for implementation of SOL test procedures.
Dr. Elizabeth Webb -
School Test Coordinator – The School Test Coordinator (STC) serves as the point of contact between the DDOT and the school. The STC is also responsible for ensuring that all procedures required for the SOL tests are implemented within the school and for maintaining the security of test materials.
Critzer Elementary: Tony Viers -
Dublin Elementary: Tonia Singleton -
Pulaski Elementary: Cassie Puckett -
Riverlawn Elementary: Dr. Michelle Greene -
Snowville Elementary: Amy Shrewsbury -
Pulaski County Middle School: Ressie Douthat -
Pulaski County High School: Tracy Golden - and Dr. Roxanne Souma -
Test Examiner – Test examiners are responsible for administering the SOL tests according to procedures and for maintaining the security of SOL test materials.
Teachers and various employees from each school serve as test examiners during SOL testing.
Resources for Testing
Standards of Learning
Standards of Learning Released items:
VDOE releases sample sets of SOL tests that were administered during the previous spring test administration. Released tests and items are not inclusive of all assessments administered during the previous year but are representative of the content and skills assessed. Released tests and test items are available on SOL resource tables for:
SOL Testing and Special Education
All students in tested grade levels and courses are expected to participate in Virginia’s assessment program, unless specifically exempted by state or federal law or by Board of Education regulations. Virginia’s assessment system includes students with disabilities and limited English proficient (LEP) students. Students with disabilities and LEP students may take Standards of Learning tests with or without accommodations or they may be assessed through alternate or alternative assessments. The tests that comprise the Virginia Assessment Program are offered in English only; administration of the tests in other languages is not permitted.
Miscellaneous Assessment information