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There’s a new program in Pulaski County, and this new program has seen great success in encouraging Pulaski County students to read through the summer.

The program, known as the Book Bus, is being operated by elementary school teachers Laura McDowell and Angela Price, and is sponsored by Pulaski County Public Schools. Students who come out to visit the Book Bus receive a book and a freeze pop, all at no cost.

While the Book Bus is a new program, it was based on another program. Laura McDowell had fond memories of the Pulaski County Library's bookmobile from her childhood. She always wanted to drive a bookmobile when she retired from teaching. She shared her dream with Angela Price and the Book Bus was born. book Bus 3

“We wanted to share our love of reading, build relationships with students, and give students access to books through the summer,” Mrs. McDowell said. “Mary Cheverton, Coordinator of Student and Family Services, was instrumental in making connections within the school system. We then presented our idea to the Superintendent, Assistant Superintendents, and School Board. We received their full support. Troy Barkley, Director of Transportation, provided us with an activity bus and training. The Book Bus has truly been a collaborative effort.”

The Book Bus received funding for books through Title I funds and local grants, as well as support from other departments in the school system such as student services and transportation. An estimated cost is $8,000.

While McDowell and Price have been the driving force behind the Book Bus, they have gotten plenty of support from others in the school system.

“School Board members Sabrina Cox and Josh Taylor have been with us on the bus,” McDowell said. “Central office personnel, school administrators, and teachers from each school have joined the book bus. We have had over 30 school staff who have participated. In two weeks, we have served 373 students. We hope to continue this program next summer as well.”book bus 4

The Book Bus still has stops planned through the end of July to keep students active and reading. The weekly schedule will be posted each week on the PCPS Facebook page and all other social media pages. This week, students can visit in the Snowville and Riverlawn area Tuesday, June 25; and in the Critzer Elementary School area Wednesday, June 26. See the PCPS Facebook page for full details on dates and times the Book Bus will be in your area.

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