School Bus

PCPS has recently received a number of inquiries regarding masks continuing to be required on school buses.  This requirement is in compliance with the US Department of Homeland Security-Transportation Security Administration's directive SD 1582/84-21-01B ( )  which was recently extended through March 18, 2022.   This guidance does allow for some exceptions which have been granted to drivers for whom wearing a mask will pose a risk to the safe performance of their duties.  In these cases, additional spacing between the driver and students have been incorporated into the seating plans.   

We understand that many of our parents and students are frustrated that this requirement is still in place and will move to make masks optional on school buses when the prevailing guidance allows.    In the meantime, we ask that parents continue to send masks with their children who ride to and/or from school on a school bus.  Our transportation department tries to have a supply of spare masks available on each route but frequently run out of them in which case the remaining unmasked students cannot be permitted to board the bus.  Thank you for your assistance with this issue and please know that drivers, teachers, and administrators are as anxious to return to pre-Covid operating procedures as are parents and students so it would be great if we can maintain a high level of support for a few more months as we take these incremental steps back toward normalcy.  

-Dr. Kevin Siers, Superintendent